New User Registration

To be able to request a project, three steps need to be taken:

  1. The Principal investigator (PI) needs to be registered
  2. Register as a user
  3. You have to submit a project request

1. Register a Principal Investigator (PI)

We need some basic information regarding the principal investigator. Please send an email to info@genomicscore.be in which you provide the following information

  • PI name
  • Tax ID (not compulsory for PI registration; however it is needed for billing)
  • Address
  • City
  • Country
  • Email

We will process and verify this information and deliver an organization code to the PI. This code can then be used to register a user. Each collaborator of the PI, can register using this code. Once the user is registered, you can login and request your project. Once we have verified and registered the PI in our system, your PI will receive an email like this one, containing the organization code. This is the code that can be used to register collaborators.

2. Register as a user

Using this organization code any collaborator of the PI can register as a user, at https://www.genomicscore.be/request/ by clicking on the register button and filling in the form. See the demo move for an example.

3. Request a project

Sign in in the Request a Project (Registered Users) button and choose the project type you want to submit, fill in the fields, and submit your request. You will receive a list GC codes you can use to label your samples.



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