Custom Bioinformatics Solutions at the Genomics Core Leuven 

For scientific projects not covered by our standard pipelines, the Genomics Core Leuven offers custom and tailored bioinformatics services. We aim at providing support for researchers and clinicians through bioinformatics solutions developed with the highest technical standards.

Why to choose the Genomics Core for a custom bioinformatics project:

We work as a team with experienced bioinformaticians stemming from a  broad range of disciplines including computer science, molecular biology, machine learning and software engineering. This heterogeneous expertise allow us to look at a project from different and complementary angles. Our team houses a track-record of state-of-the-art NGS solution development on a wide range of platforms and programming languages.

We are committed to detail. Our clients get assigned a scientist that will discuss in-depth every aspect of a project, starting with the experimental design to the delivery of analyzed data ready for publication.

We are committed to a policy of open communication. During the development of a project we are in constant communication with our clients regarding intermediate results and possible setbacks. This way the client is informed of the progress of a project and may take informed decisions if needed.

Our commitment goes beyond data delivery. We strive to support scientists with description of protocols, citations and all necessary information required to publish results of a custom project.

–  Our custom bioinformatics offer consist but is not limited to: 

– Differential expression analysis of non-standard organisms.

– Single-cell RNA-Seq analysis.

– Pathway analysis with Qiagen’s Ingenuity Pathway Analysis.

– High Performance Computing at the Flemish Super Computer (VSC)  capacity.

– ANOVA-Like differential expression analysis.

– Xenografts sequencing analysis.

de novo Assembly 

The creation of a reference genome is a very specific task.

At the Genomics Core we offer 2 possible ways to do this: sequencing of short reads (Illumina) or sequencing long reads (PacBio).

We offer solutions for small genomes (viruses, bacteria) up till very large genomes (like bluefin tuna (950Mb Illumina) [paper upcoming], regular octopus (3.0Gb Illumina) [paper upcoming], great white shark (6.4Gb PacBio)). Our solutions include, help with project design, sequencing, data processing (the actual assembly) and optimisation.